Parental Bullying

Unlike other forms of harassment, parental bullying does not get a lot of exposure in popular literature. However, it is a very real issue. Parents who are especially overbearing or who use sarcasm and derision in an attempt to control their children’s behavior can...
Intervention By Others Can Stop A Bully’s Behavior

Intervention By Others Can Stop A Bully’s Behavior

When a child bullies another student, adults, teachers and even other students can intervene to send a message to the bully that their behavior is not acceptable. According to the National Education Association, research shows that consistently intervening when a...

Bully And School Violence

The link between bullying and school violence is not spoken about as often as it should be. Instances of violence in schools, including shootings, are frequently connected to bullying in some way. However, it is difficult to determine whether bullying causes violence,...