Social Security Disability Benefits

Your Social Security Disability Attorneys
Speak directly to an attorney and get the feedback you need to proceed with your Social Security Disability claim. You don’t pay a fee until we win.
Social Security Benefits
Social Security disability benefits are available to those individuals who are unable to work due to a medical condition that is expected to last at least one year or result in death. The Social Security Administration (SSA) has established strict guidelines and procedures for obtaining social security disability benefits. Accordingly, it is important to consult with an experienced social security disability attorney like Chicago social security disability lawyers Sheldon Minkow and Andrew Domin in order to learn about the social security disability application and hearing process.
Chicago social security attorneys Minkow and Domin have considerable experience helping clients navigate the complex social security disability application process, including making sure that clients provide the necessary medical and vocational documentation. If your initial claim is denied and a social security hearing is required, they can prepare you for the social security disability hearing and represent you at the hearing.
How We Handle Social Security Disability Benefits
Types of Social Security Disablilty Benefits
There are two types of social security disability benefits – Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). SSDI provides payments to a disabled person who has earned enough “work credits” through the payment of social security taxes deducted from his or her paycheck while he or she was employed. The number of work “credits” required to receive SSDI varies depending on your age at the time of disability. For more information, the calculation of work credits, visit
Unlike SSDI, SSI provides income to a disabled person who has limited income and resources. Income limitations vary by geographic location, but generally income includes money that an applicant earns from employment, as well as other social security benefits, pensions, alimony, child support, interest and room and board provided on a regular basis. Social security laws do, however, exclude certain income when determining whether or a not an applicant is eligible for supplemental security income, including some work expenses for blind or disabled persons. SSI laws limit the amount of assets you may own to $2,000 (or $3000 in the case of a married couple if both receive SSI). Certain property is excluded when determining the value of your assets.
Qualifying Medical Conditions
In order for an applicant to be eligible for social security disability benefits, his or her medical condition must be a total disability, as defined by social security laws. Social security disability benefits are not available for partial disabilities or short-term disabilities. SSA has developed a list of medical conditions that automatically qualify as disabilities. If your medical condition is not on this list, however, that does not mean that you will not qualify for social security disability benefits. It simply means that the SSA will assess your medical condition more closely to determine whether you are disabled.
Guided Legal Advice
Chicago social security disability attorneys Sheldon Minkow and Andrew Domin will guide you through every step of the social security disability application process. They will take the time to explain the social security laws to you so that you understand the process and procedures. They will determine whether you may be eligible for SSDI or SSI benefits and will help you file your social security disability application and ensure that the appropriate and necessary documentation is included with the application. If necessary, they will represent you at a social security disability hearing or work with you to appeal a denied decision.
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