Pedestrian & Bicycle Accidents

Your Pedestrian & Bicycle Accident Attorneys
Speak directly to an attorney and get the feedback you need to proceed with your pedestrian or bike accident claim. You don’t pay a fee until we win.
Pedestrian & Bicycle Injuries
Our Chicago motor vehicle accident attorneys have more than 30 years of experience representing the victims of motor vehicle accidents, including bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorcyclists. They are well-versed in the legal issues involved with bicycle accident or pedestrian accident lawsuit, and can negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf in order to obtain the most favorable settlement possible. If a favorable settlement is not possible through negotiation, we will vigorously advocate on your behalf in a court of law so that you get the compensation that you deserve.
How We Handle Pedestrian & Bicycle Accidents
Causes of Pedestrian & Bicycle Accidents
Bicycle accidents frequently occur because a driver fails to notice a bicyclist on the roadway or fails to follow right of way rules with respect to bicycles. Motor vehicle accidents with pedestrians frequently occur at intersections, with drivers failing to notice the pedestrian or failing to obey traffic signs and posted speed limits.
Like any urban environment, Chicago’s streets are populated with bicyclists and pedestrians, in addition to cars, buses and taxis. Unfortunately, given the myriad modes of transportation, motor vehicle crashes with bicyclists and pedestrians are all too common. According to the Illinois Department of Transportation, in 2009 alone, more than 5,200 pedestrians were injured by a motorist and more than 100 pedestrians were killed by a motor vehicle. Nationwide, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2009, an estimated 59,000 pedestrians and 51,000 bicyclists were injured in motor vehicle accidents, with more than 4,000 pedestrian fatalities and 630 bicyclist fatalities.
Safety Reminders for Pedestrians
- Walk in sidewalks where provided.
- Cross or enter streets at marked intersections or where it is legal to do so.
- Where no sidewalks are provided, walk facing road traffic.
- Don’t assume vehicles will stop; make eye contact with drivers.
- Don’t rely solely on pedestrian signals; look before you cross the road.
Safety Reminders for Motorists
- Share the road with bicyclists and allow at least 3 feet clearance when passing a bicyclist on the road.
- Stop for pedestrians who are in a crosswalk, even if it is not marked.
- Stop well in advance of pedestrians so that other motorists can also see the pedestrian in time to stop.
- Do not pass other vehicles stopped for pedestrians.
- Be attentive around schools and in neighborhoods with children present.
Safety Reminders for Pedestrians, Motorists & Cyclists
- Always wear a properly fitted bicycle helmet.
- Obey the same rules of the road as drivers, including traffic signs, signals and lane markings, and traffic movement.
- Maximize visibility by wearing brightly colored clothing during the day and a front light and rear reflector at night.
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